Animation programs Kyiv – Art-Event

Organizing and holding children’s parties has been our favorite job for more than 5 years. During this hour, we have accumulated vast experience, and we turn holding a children’s party of any format, from a meeting from the maternity hospital to a graduation party at school, into a grandiose, joyful and carefree event for you.

Not a single fairy tale is complete without a magical assistant who guides the heroes on the right path, helps them cope with villains and find solutions in hopeless situations. We employ real wizards who turn children’s birthdays into a real fairy tale. They are called children’s animators. With them, any anniversary, New Year, graduation from school or kindergarten will be filled with a magical atmosphere, happiness and children’s smiles. Their job is to make any celebration bright and unforgettable.

What children’s animators can do?

The profession of an animator requires many qualities and skills from a person, the main of which for us is love for children and the ability to find a common language with them. These are the qualities that are of primary importance to all our employees. Their main goal is to create a warm, friendly atmosphere, which is impossible without smiles and cheerful children’s laughter.

The second most important feature of a children’s animator is the skill of applying a role and the ability to reliably portray a character from a fairy tale or cartoon. A holiday animator must be able to show a good alien, a brave spider-man or a cute fairy. Only in this case will the children be fully involved in what is happening and the holiday will take place in a relaxed atmosphere. The animator has a great responsibility; he manages the holiday program, announces competitions, explains their rules and helps children cope with tasks. Our staff has extensive experience in organizing celebrations for children and teaching skills, thanks to which they can easily cope with organizing events of any complexity. We want our animators to be artistic and know how to put people in a positive mood. They are not only artists, but also teachers and psychologists. That’s why their events are the most creative, fun and relaxed. Ordering a clown to your home will give your child a holiday that will leave the brightest and warmest memories.

We also note such an important point as the accuracy and maintenance of the props in proper form. Our employees monitor the cleanliness and cleanliness of costumes, because Cinderella or the Snow Maiden cannot be in an uncombed wig or an old dress. In addition to costumes, we take care of the decor of the room, equipment for competitions and other important details, without which it is impossible to create a festive mood.

Animators know how to communicate correctly

We can say that the success of the holiday depends 50% on how the animator knows how to talk to children. Kids are often distracted and find it difficult to concentrate on one thing for a long time, so the voice of the presenter should be loud and clear enough. At the same time, he must remember that speaking too loudly can scare away and confuse the little participants in the celebration. Also, our animators can change their voice and intonation depending on what character they have to play – the clown, Luntik, Spider-Man and Captain Jack Sparrow cannot speak in the same voice. We can hold the holiday in both Russian and Ukrainian, and this point must be clarified with the parents.

We know how to behave in force majeure situations

We all know that working with children can sometimes be difficult; children can be angry, embarrassed, offended, or afraid to participate in a particular competition – it is much more difficult for them to cope with emotions than for adults. Often those who did not take first place in a contest or competition are offended by other children, and the animator’s task is to replace this in time, distract the child and let him prove himself in some other task.

Children who have not met before often gather at holidays, in which case the animator will need to establish communication and create a friendly team out of the child, which can be quite a difficult task. Our employees know how to create a warm and trusting atmosphere in which a child can overcome shyness and be the first to speak with peers or the leader. Only ten to fifteen minutes of the program pass, and the children play among themselves as if they had known each other for a long time.

It is also worth noting the moments in which children with a restless temperament show excessive activity and do not want to participate in dances and competitions. In this case, our animators will help the child calm down and interest him in playing with other children.

Birthday animator always adheres to safety precautions

For every parent, the safety of their baby always comes first. The responsibilities of the children’s animator include not only ensuring that the rules are followed, but also making sure that none of the children are able to move somewhere from the west on their own. Thanks to extensive experience, our employees know how to prevent such situations and make sure that all children are passionate about games or competitions and do not try to run away. During the event, we use various props, the condition of which is under maximum control. We are confident in the reliability of our equipment and guarantee the safety of its operation. The serviceability and reliable operation of the props is the key to holding an event at the highest level.

Our technologies do not stand still

The goal of our agency is to make your child’s holiday unforgettable and like the best fairy tale. Therefore, we are constantly improving our teaching skills, expanding the base of attractions and tasks, purchasing props and being interested in new trends in the field of events. Our employees always note that the audience liked the program, which allows us to expand our base and improve the range of competitions and entertainment. Our employees work all hours in this area.

Our children’s animators will create a fabulous and bright mood for you and your kids. We are in dialogue and will listen carefully to all your suggestions. By ordering a clown to your home on our website, you are guaranteed to receive a holiday for your child, decorated at the best level.