Gypsy ensemble for your holiday

Gypsy ensemble Kyiv The famous gypsy ensemble has dozens of performances at various events. This is a close-knit creative team of gypsies, which, under the skillful leadership of talented artists Valenta and Yuri Korzhov, will create an enchanting show at your holiday. The gypsy ensemble is also one of the most popular gypsy ensembles in Kyiv, and is also very popular throughout Ukraine and abroad.


You can order gypsies in Kiev for a birthday or corporate party, because the repertoire of gypsy stars also includes funny songs. The catchy melody of such songs will not allow anyone to resist the temptation to join and sing along with real gypsies.

Surely, when heading to the next festive event, each of us would like to relax, gain vivid impressions, and experience positive emotions. But let’s face it, how often does a holiday leave a pleasant impression? It always seems that somewhere we have already heard the presenter’s jokes, and the musical accompaniment at the celebration is rarely original. Therefore, when planning your own festive event, you want to truly surprise your guests and bring pleasure to everyone.

Gypsies on holiday in Kyiv and more!

Without a doubt, gypsy ensembles will become just such an event that you, your friends and relatives, and colleagues will remember only with a smile on your face. It was the charismatic gypsies who could always get the whole company going. Absolutely every performance of the gypsies is fun and active, they surprise you with their colorful traditional gypsy costumes. Even the most avid skeptic will not be left indifferent by the melodic gypsy songs, which were composed by many generations of gypsies and absorbed all the customs, joys and sorrows of the gypsy people.

Many people associate the word “gypsies” with freedom, an open soul, and fun. This people does not have their own piece of land, therefore, wandering around the world, the gypsies pick up the culture and religion of the area where they stop. It is thanks to this open and cheerful disposition that gypsy artists can create real shows at your holiday event. And it is from us that you can order a gypsy holiday – it could be a wedding, birthday, corporate event, etc.

Gypsy folklore has influenced most cultures of the world for many centuries. The songs of the gypsies have always been soulful, performed sensually and beautifully. Anyone who has ever had the opportunity to listen to gypsy songs could easily immerse themselves in the performer’s experiences. A gypsy song ensemble at a wedding can touch guests and give them a romantic mood.

Gypsies for a wedding? Nothing could be easier!

Gypsies at weddings in Kyiv are almost becoming a tradition. The fiery gypsy dances are not only impressive, but allow you to be involved in the action itself. Just what guests need in the midst of fun! Gypsy dancing at weddings is always a colorful event. It is not for nothing that for a very long time such a famous dance as flamenco was considered a manifestation of the original gypsy art. You can order gypsies for your wedding by contacting us.

The leadership of the gypsy ensemble

The ensemble includes the following famous gypsy stars:

Yuri Korzhov is an Honored Artist of Ukraine, and has participated in competitions in Russia, Slovenia, and France. The family business was passed down to him from his mother, who created the gypsy ensemble “Romen”. Yuri Korzhov, being the third generation of a dynasty of gypsy artists, is currently the artistic director of the ensemble.

Valenta Korzhova has extensive dance experience in the past, is a laureate of various international competitions and an Honored Artist of Ukraine. Now she holds the position of choreographer and performs in a duet with her husband. She was also a teacher at a gypsy dance school-studio in the direction of “dances of the peoples of the world.”

Roman Korzhov, the son of the Korzhov family, is the author and performer of gypsy songs. He has also been a winner of international pop artist competitions more than once and is very famous in the circles of gypsy musicians.

Collaboration with pop stars

The gypsy ensemble “Romen” has experience performing together with such famous pop stars as P. Zibrov, M. Poplavsky, I. Kobzon, Y. Tabachnik, T. Gvartsiteli and others.

Concert program

You can order gypsies from us for any holiday. The ensemble “Romen” actively uses individual programs for different types of events – weddings, birthdays, corporate parties, etc. A Gypsy show in Kyiv can optionally include:

playing musical instruments such as guitar, accordion, violin performance of ancient and modern gypsy songs dancing in traditional gypsy costumes gypsy congratulations on your wedding day, birthday toastmaster with gypsies for more conservative events DJ with gypsies for a noisy group of young people The ensemble members will not only professionally perform all the numbers of the concert program, but will also pay attention to each guest. All those present will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of gypsy traditions. Therefore, if you really want to organize a memorable holiday, you can order the gypsy ensemble “Romen”, whose performance will be an excellent show program and entertainment for you and your guests. The price is negotiated individually. The event program is also developed individually according to your wishes. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to make your holiday special!